Rapid Pro

In order to take my design from Crio as a solid piece, I opened the now converted STL into Rapid Pro for slicing!


Rapid Pro calculated how many slices I would need and the arrangement it thought I needed them in. After inputting the correct printer and orientation, the layers were then arranged in the above format.
The double boarder is placed around each slice automatically by Rapid Pro, however they are not needed at all, and actually just waste material. Because of this, to save material (and money!) I deleted all the boarders, and rearranged the layers, putting some inside each other, to take up a smaller amount of space. I had to ensure that I left enough space between the layers so that the cutter would have room to move between the parts. The cutter also had to be set to 'offset' the line. If I didn't do this, then the cutter would follow exactly on the line, eating in to my material, giving me inaccurate layers.

My layers being cut on the flat bed router.

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