Handy Work...

I lined all my layers up by putting dowel through the first 15 or so layers. The last 6 or 7 layers I had to glue in place by lining them up by eye. After it was all glued together, I started to fill the gaps of the steps with filler. I spent quite a long time filling and sanding this back piece and when I was happy with the finish, I coated it in a layer of sanding sealer.

After applying the sanding sealer, I lightly rubbed it all down and sealed it again. It was then ready for me to spray paint! During this process, my front panel was on the CNC router. Embedded in a block of wood, I carefully used the bandsaw to slice the panel from the block of wood

The holes were not holes of course in the block of wood so by hand I drilled holes in the centres and used a coping saw to saw away the material until there was a little amount left that i could sand away by hand. The right speaker hole is complete. I then sawed and sanded away the square to just leave me with my panel. This was also now ready to spray paint! It's all coming together now! :)

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